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Proverb of the Week

PHRASE OF THE WEEK... "To have a sweet tooth" (to be fond of sweet things like candy and desserts) - Charles has a very sweet tooth - Carlos es muy goloso.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

I dreamed a dream...

Do you often remember your dreams? According to some experts, you can remember dreams you had during the night when you wake up the following morning. However, if you don't tell somebody about it, or write it down in a piece of paper, you very quickly forget it.
NOTE: Next week on Tuesday, we are going to talk about dreams. And this is something you can do these days before our next lesson: write down any dream you have so you don't forget it and can tell your classmates about it. That way, you will be able to make a detailed description of your dream. 
For example you could begin your speech saying something like this: "Last night I had an awful dream. I dreamed about my boss. I dreamed that we were having an argument at work because..."

And here you go another video. Do you remember the Scottish lady Susan Boyle? Click HERE to watch how she sang this amazing song two years ago. It's fun!

A big thank you to your classmate Begoña for these wonderful videos.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Short Readings to practise your understanding

Do you need to practise your reading comprehension? Read these funny stories and do the activities online.
Click HERE to find all the stories.

By courtesy of my colleague Teresa Bastida

Thursday, 27 January 2011

White Flag by Dido

Full song without subtitles (live concert)

Full song with English subtitles

Full song with English and Spanish subtitles

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Paul McCartney - I will

Do you fancy (in this context "apetecer") listening to Paul McCartney? If so, listen to this wonderful song.
Instructions: First, click on "I will - gapped" to download the worksheet so you can fill in the nine gaps. There you can find the phonetic transcription for those nine words. Then watch the first video, without lyrics. Guess what those words are and write them in the correct gap in your worksheet. Finally, watch the second video with the full English lyrics and check your answers! Best of luck!
Step 1: "I will - gapped"

Step 2: Video (No English lyrics)

Step 3: Video (English lyrics)

Ps (Post Script - Posdata): A big thank you to my colleague María José for this wonderful activity.

Monday, 17 January 2011

What are your plans for tonight?

Do you want to check your listening comprehension at home? Click on the first speaker (Phil) to hear his audio and answer a couple of questions about his plans for tonight. Then click on the following speakers and do exactly the same thing. Finally, scroll down (desplazarse hacia abajo con el cursor) and listen to the entire audio again while you are reading the transcript.

Start the listening activity HERE!

Friday, 14 January 2011

Future Tenses

Here you go the Powerpoint Presentation I used in class yesterday. Click HERE to download it so you can keep it at home.

Do you need to practise? Go and meet "Going to Boy" and "Mister Will" HERE. There you can practise how to form and use them. In addition to that, you can also do some activities to reinforce these grammar points.

Going To as a plan or intention

Will + Infinitive as an Offer or Promise

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Some strategies to learn English

Are you a good learner? do you need more strategies to learn English in an effective way? Here you go a very good piece of advice (consejo). To read the article, click HERE.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Revision: Present Simple + Past Simple

Do you want to keep this useful word document at home? If so, click HERE and download it. Now you can have it on your personal computer or laptop.

Monday, 3 January 2011

The Sounds of English

How important is to have a good English pronunciation? Firstly, watch this short video and meet Alex, the BBC English teacher.

Now, are you ready to improve your English pronunciation? Click on this LINK to the BBC website. It is a very good, an awesome webpage to practise all the different sounds of English.

NOTA: Primero podéis darle al botón de Play para ver el vídeo y escuchar a la profesora de inglés de la BBC explicando por qué es tan importante conocer los símbolos de los sonidos en inglés y todo ello ilustrado con algunos ejemplos. Después de ver el vídeo, encontraréis más abajo todos los símbolos. Pinchando en el símbolo que os interese practicar, podréis ver a la misma profesora dando una breve y concisa explicación de ese símbolo y dando varios ejemplos. Animaos! es de las mejores páginas de pronunciación que existen en la web.

Have fun and enjoy these videos!